Tuesday, February 22, 2011

ARGH! YAH! Eeee.

Oh man oh man. . . I haven't made a post in a while! I've just been so under the weather lately it's just been killing me ugh. They need to hurry up and make a pill that instantly vaporizes illness. For now I guess chicken soup and lots of vitamin C will have to do (I've been stuffing my face with endless oranges from my orange tree, it's awesome). I hope it warms up a bit more, if it does I might get around to posting a video of me covering something on my guitar. Well, we'll see!


  1. well for the time being they have cold FX and buckleys. In the past when i was sick i usually bought a bottle and ended up downing the whole thing in a period of 3 to 4 days, sure knocked me out afterward lol

  2. hope you feel better man. Looking forward to new posts. remember to drink tons of water and just go with it. following

  3. would love to have an orange tree

  4. I've missed some time too. Real life catches up with you sometimes!

  5. Get well soon dude lol, lookin for more :D

  6. Hope you get better, being sick sucks.
